
Zgodba sirskega begunca - pretresljivo

The Journey

In the darkness far out to sea, Hashem Alsouki can’t see his neighbours but he can hear them scream. It’s partly his fault. They are two African women – perhaps from Somalia, but now is not the time to ask – and Hashem is spreadeagled on top of them. His limbs dig into theirs. They would like him to move, fast, and so would he. But he can’t – several people are sprawled on top of him, and there’s possibly another layer above them.
Dozens are crammed into this wooden dinghy. If anyone tries to shift, a smuggler kicks them back into place. They don’t want the crammed boat to overbalance, and then sink.
It is perhaps 11 o’clock at night, but Hashem can’t be certain. He’s losing track of time, and of place. Earlier in the evening, on a beach at the northernmost tip of Egypt, he and his companions were herded into this little boat. Now that boat is who knows where, bobbing along in the pitch darkness, lurching in the waves, somewhere in the south-eastern Mediterranean. And its passengers are screaming.

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12309533_10153465986341865_8688022386764836542_oA trainer recently said about interpreting practice: You practice.  And then you do it again.  And again, and again, and again.  And when you’re tired of it, you do it some more.

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Kariera v EU institucijah

Kariera v EU institucijah

  • Kdaj: sreda, 6. april 2016, ob 16:00
  • Traja: 60 minut
  • Kje: Filozofska fakulteta UM, Koroška cesta 160, Maribor, Predavalnica 0.2
  • Izvajalec: Tamara Šiljak (ambasadorka za kariere v EU)
  • Univerza/fakulteta: Filozofska fakulteta
Zavod PIP in njegovi informacijski točki Europe Direct Maribor in Europe Direct Murska Sobota organizirata v sodelovanju s Kariernim centrom UM brezplačno delavnico »Kariera v EU institucijah«. Dogodek je namenjen študentkam in študentom, absolventkam in absolventom različnih smeri, ki jim delo v mednarodnem okolju predstavlja izziv in želijo izvedeti, kako do zaposlitve v evropskih institucijah.
Delavnico bo izvedla Tamara Šiljak, ambasadorka za kariere v EU.
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Slavistično društvo Maribor vabi

Sodelavki Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU dr. Nataša Jakop in dr. Mateja Jemec Tomazin bosta 
v torek, 12. januarja 2016, ob 18. uri 
v predavalnici 2.7/FF na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru, Koroška 160, 

podrobneje predstavili slovarski portal Fran. 

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